
Elastik 3 视频教程Groove3 Elastik Explained® | 293 MB

 小破孩 发表于 2022年03月05日 教程/教学/视频  64
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工作室大师 Larry Holcombe 提供详细的 Elastik 3 视频教程!如果您已准备好开始使用 Elastik 3 在您的作品中产生新的声音和想法,那么这就是您的课程!Larry 深入介绍了插件 - 从基础到更高级的功能和特性 - 并在此过程中包含许多有用的演示,因此您将准备好从头开始产生想法。这些视频适用于 Ueberschall Elastik 3 的新用户。

Larry 欢迎您,然后开始浏览界面,让您熟悉插件的布局,并向您展示如何快速加载库。接下来,您将了解有关浏览器的所有信息,它可以方便地组织您的声音和循环,并允许您以歌曲的速度和音调无缝地试听声音。然后,Larry 介绍了样本触发区域并演示了如何设置开始/结束循环点、更改网格大小以进行更具体的循环调整、以不同方式映射特定声音等等。

接下来,探索 Retune 功能。这是一个强大的工具,可让您在浏览器和 Loopeye 中以惊人的清晰度更改声音的键。接下来是时间功能,让您可以无与伦比地控制多个声音和循环的速度,以实现同步或不同步播放以及创造性的停止或加速效果。

在接下来的课程中,您将学习如何使用更高级的功能,如 Pitch/Formant、Volume、Pan、Cutoff、Resonance、Reverse 和 Envelope,每一个都提供强大的声音塑造可能性!您还将了解如何使用音序器生成基于时间的毛刺效果和其他循环变化,并了解 Inspire 功能如何通过单击按钮帮助产生新想法。

要准确了解这些全面的 Ueberschall Elastik 3 教程所展示的内容,以及它们如何让您立即使用 Elastik 3 生成令人兴奋的声音和效果,请参阅此页面上的各个 Elastik 3 视频教程说明。在 Elastik 3 中等待着一个尚未开发的声音世界

Studio guru Larry Holcombe presents detailed Elastik 3 video tutorials! If you're ready to start using Elastik 3 to generate new sounds and ideas in your productions, this is the course for you! Larry covers the plugin in-depth - from the basics to the more advanced functions and features - and includes many helpful demonstrations along the way, so you'll be ready to generate ideas from scratch. These videos are for new Ueberschall Elastik 3 users.

Larry welcomes you and then starts with a tour of the interface, familiarizing you with the layout of the plug and showing you how to quickly load libraries. You'll learn all about the Browser next, which conveniently organizes your sounds and loops and allows you to seamlessly audition sounds in the tempo and key of your song. Larry then covers the Sample Trigger Area and demonstrates how to set the start/end loop points, change the grid size for more specific loop adjustments, map specific sounds in different ways, and more.

Next, explore the Retune feature. This is a powerful tool that allows you to change the key of your sounds, both within the Browser and the Loopeye, with startling clarity. The Time feature is next, allowing you unparalleled control of the tempo of multiple sounds and loops for in- or out-of-sync playback and creative stop or speed-up effects.

Throughout the rest of the course, you'll learn how to use more advanced features like Pitch/Formant, Volume, Pan, Cutoff, Resonance, Reverse, and Envelope, each of which provides powerful sound-shaping possibilities! You'll also discover how to use the Sequencer to generate time-based glitch effects and other loop variations and learn how the Inspire feature can help generate new ideas with the click of a button.

To see exactly what these comprehensive Ueberschall Elastik 3 tutorials show, and how they'll have you generating exciting sounds and effects with Elastik 3 in no-time, see the individual Elastik 3 video tutorial descriptions on this page. A world of untapped sonic possibilities awaits within Elastik 3; learn how to take advantage of them now... Watch “Elastik Explained®” today!


1.Introduction & Interface 3:15

In this video, Larry introduces the tutorial series. He demonstrates how to load in libraries and provides a tour of the plugin interface.

2.Browser 6:41

The Browser is covered next, with which you can sync sounds from different libraries in terms of bpm and key. This allows the auditioning of sounds in time and in key with your music!

3.Sample Trigger Area Pt1. 17:29

In this video, Larry demonstrates the Sample Trigger Area, which allows you to playback sounds chosen from the browser. Also, explore the ways in which you can play these loops using MIDI and also within Elastik 3.

4.Sample Trigger Area Pt2. 24:27

Discover the mapping modes in this video, which can map sounds in different ways to vary playback styles and create interesting effects.

5.Setting Loop Start & End Points6:32

Next up, learn how to edit start and end points of your loops. This also opens up the possibility for creative looping frequencies and polyrhythms. Larry also covers changing the grid size to enable more specific adjustments to loops.


In this video, explore the Retune option, which allows you to change the key, both within the browser and the Loopeye. Larry discusses the different Retune parameters that are used to really fine-tune the results.


Larry covers the time controls next. Utilizing different algorithms, Elastik 3 can play back sounds at different tempos in and out of sync. You'll also learn how we can create tape/vinyl stop and speed-up effects.


Discover the Pitch, Formant, and Fine-tune controls and how they can be used to further manipulate the sound.

9.Volume, Pan, Cutoff, & Resonance3:19

Next up, learn about the Volume, Pan and Filter controls.

10Reverse & Envelope3:40

The ways in which you can reverse samples and also alter the attack and release of their envelopes are covered next.


Next up, Larry demonstrates how to use the sequencer alongside Loopeye parameters to create interesting loop variations and time-based glitch effects.

12.Inspire Feature7:22

Explore the Inspire feature, which allows you to generate new ideas by mixing and matching sounds from different sound packs within Elastik 3.

13.Track Idea Pt1. 112:27

Larry begins creating a track idea in this video by choosing sounds within the browser to jam out an arrangement using MIDI within Logic.

14.Track Idea Pt2. 213:07

Next up, see how to use the sounds chosen in the last video to create a basic track arrangement using MIDI in Logic.

15.Track Idea Pt3. 310:47

Finally, learn to create some glitchy rhythmic interest to vary the track and keep the arrangement exciting!


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