
Game Music Composition – Make Music For Games From Scratch

 小破孩 发表于 2021年04月15日 教程/教学/视频  158
LV 10 [博士后]
文章:524  回复:56

Game Music Composition – Make Music For Games From Scratch


001 – Promo Video
002 – Course Overview
003 – What You Need For This Course
004 – How to Get Help For This Course
005 – How to Share Your Original Game Music
006 – Section 2 Introduction
007 – Video Game Music Basics
008 – The Composer’s Thought Process
009 – Easy Composing Methods
010 – Section 3 Introduction
011 – Installing FL Studio for Windows
012 – Installing FL Studio for Mac
013 – Quick Tour of FL Studio Interface
014 – How to Input Notes Using Only Your Computer
015 – How to Input Notes Using a MIDI Keyboard (Optional)
016 – How to Install VST Plugins on Windows
017 – How to Install VST Plugins on Mac
018 – Section 4 Introduction
019 – Plan Our Town Theme
020 – Music Theory 1 Notes, Chords and Scales
021 – Write Our Harp Part
022 – Write our Flute Part
023 – Mix and Export
024 – Share Our Town Music
025 – Section 5 Introduction
026 – Plan Our Game Character Theme
027 – How to Get Unstuck When You’re Stuck for Ideas
028 – How to Choose Instruments that Sound Good Together
029 – Music Theory 2 Keys, Major and Minor
030 – Write the Melody For Your Chosen Key Part 1
031 – Write the Melody For Your Chosen Key Part 2
032 – Write the Melody For Your Chosen Key Part 3
033 – Editing Our Melody For Timing Quantizing, Snapping, Beats, Bars and Steps
034 – Editing Our Melody For Feeling Note Velocity
035 – How to Add Bassline and Chords to a Melody
036 – Simple Trick in FL Studio to Help You
037 – How to Write a Good Bassline for Your Melody
038 – How to Build Chords from Our New Bassline
039 – Finish the Composition and Add Drums
040 – Mixing 1 Duplicating Tracks Technique
041 – Mixing 2 How to Tweak Plugin Parameters
042 – Mixing 3 How to use Equalisation to EQ your instruments
043 – Mastering Basics Learn the final phase of Music Production
044 – Best Audio File Formats for Game Engines and Game Soundtracks
045 – Section 6 Introduction
046 – Introduction to 8-Bit Music
047 – What 8-Bit Sound Do You Want
048 – Analyse Your 8-Bit Game Track
049 – Quickly Plan Your Original 8-Bit Tune
050 – Set up FL Project for 8-Bit Composing
051 – Build the Intro
052 – Build the Main Section
053 – DPCM Samples in VST Plugins
054 – Build the Cooldown
055 – Making a True 8-Bit Sound
056 – Pure 8-Bit Authenticity Mixing to Mono
057 – Section 7 Introduction
058 – Adaptive Music and Non-Linearity
059 – How to Make Adaptive and Non-Linear Music
060 – Setup FMOD and Unity
061 – Introduction to Vertical Orchestration Project
062 – Music Theory 3 Tonal and Atonal Music
063 – Write Vertical Orchestration Track 1 Peace
064 – Write Vertical Orchestration Track 2 Restricted Area
065 – Write Vertical Orchestration Track 3 Detected By Enemy
066 – Write Vertical Orchestration Track 4 Conflict with Enemy
067 – Reverb, Mix and Export
068 – Introduction to FMOD Interface
069 – Use FMOD to make our track Non-Linear
070 – Create our Unity Scene
071 – Integrate FMOD music into our Unity scene
072 – Introduction to Horizontal Re-Sequencing Project
073 – Write Horizontal Re-Sequencing Track 1 Exploring the Field
074 – Intro to Chaos Region and FL Studio Markers
075 – Write Horizontal Re-Sequencing Track 2 Chaos Region
076 – How to Compose Transition Bars
077 – Write Horizontal Re-Sequencing Track 3 Battle Scene
078 – Write Horizontal Re-Sequencing Track 4 Invincible State
079 – Move our Horizontal Adaptive Music to FMOD
080 – How to Make Perfect Transitions Between our Tracks
081 – Design and Implement Your Transition Sequences
082 – FMOD’s AHDSR Sound Envelope
083 – Prepare our Horizontal FMOD music for Unity Integration
084 – Integrate Horizontal FMOD Music into Unity scene
085 – Section 8 Introduction
086 – Introduction to Mobile Game Music
087 – Plan our Mobile game track and Idea Jump-starting
088 – Music Theory Revision in 5 minutes
089 – Music Theory 4 Note Values and 4 4 Time
090 – Music Theory 5 Dotted Notes
091 – Music Theory 6 Time Signatures
092 – Flesh out our Mobile Game Track Plan
093 – Compose a Motif the Building Block of Music
094 – Develop your Motif into a Phrase
095 – Develop your Phrase into a Theme 2-Phrase Checkpoint
096 – Develop your Phrase into a Theme 4-Phrase Checkpoint
097 – Chord Progressions Part 1
098 – Chord Progressions Part 2
099 – Work out All Possible Chords for your Key
100 – How to know WHEN to change chords
101 – Write a Chord Progression to your Melody Phrase
102 – Finish your Mobile Game Compositional Sketch
103 – Mobile Game Track Plan Development and Instrumentation
104 – Compose your Mobile Game Track Arranging
105 – Compose and Arrange the Mobile track from Sketch Phrase 1-2
106 – Compose and Arrange the Mobile track from Sketch Phrase 3-4
107 – Mixing Checklist and Spectrum Analyzer
108 – Simple Hack to Boost Final Track Volume
109 – Section 9 Introduction
110 – Characteristics of RPG Battle Vs. Boss Battle Music
111 – Western RPG Vs. Japanese RPG Battle Music
112 – Analysis Final Fantasy X Battle Theme and Boss Theme
113 – Analyse your Battle Theme vs. Boss Theme
114 – Music Theory 7 Modes – Beyond Major and Minor
115 – MIDI vs. Audio In Depth Comparison
116 – Recording Audio in FL Studio
117 – Editing Audio in FL Studio’s Edison Audio Editor
118 – Plan our RPG Battle and Boss Themes
119 – Battle Theme Composing Composing Melody and Bass Simultaneously
120 – Battle Theme Composing Refine Melody and Bass Harmonic Framework
121 – Battle Theme Composing Inner Voicings and Chords Part 1
122 – Battle Theme Composing Inner Voicings and Chords Part 2
123 – Battle Theme Composing Complete the Inner Harmony
124 – Different People Compose Differently How Notation fits into the Process
125 – Battle Theme Composing Sort your Instruments
126 – Battle Theme Composing Structural Breakdown of Roles Sections and Time Stamps
127 – Battle Theme Composing Structural Breakdown of Roles Instruments and Roles
128 – 149 Extra Courses

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